While we focus more on getting computers to think like us (but even better), I think there are a few things we can learn from them.
The way I see it, the brain is like the main parts of a computer: CPU, storage, memory.
However, the space in our heads is more limited than even the space available for these in a laptop. Smartphones don't do much themselves... they rely a lot on the Cloud, basically a massive supercomputer.
So this is how I see it:
- Critical Thinking/Evaluation: uses the below to make decisions
- Random Access to Storage and Memory: responsible for causing thoughts to suddenly pop-up; some useful, some not, others become useful when Ideas Engine puts them together
- Recall/Search/Indexing Engine: algorithms, heuristics, data mining that can run on Memory and Internal Storage
- Ideas Engine/Subconscious: utilizes all these in the background to create AHA!s
- Memory
- Fast access like a HashTable
- Short-term: things may not stay long and get lost randomly; forced retention takes a lot of energy
- Working Memory: things you need to know, use constantly, and handy for getting whatever you're working on done quickly
- Certain knowledge can be loaded and found from long-term but may take time (i.e. syntax and programming style in a specific language)
- Internal Storage (long-term memory)
- Long-term
- Retention is uncertain
- Mostly random access so finding important things are slow
- Sometimes feels like a bottomless pit but again recall and retention is slow and uncertain
I've emphasized what I feel are some key traits and the CPU does a lot of them. More importantly though the amount of space for each is dynamically allocated, particularly between Memory and CPU.
So what I think I've discovered is:
Shrinking the Memory and using the space to expand and strengthening the CPU is leads to increased random thoughts and also more talking to myself. These lead to more random ideas and some of them are quite good... solutions, blog topics, talking through problems and hypothetical scenarios.
So how do I shrink the Memory?
Well Working Memory is important but again you don't need to and cannot remember all of it.
Instead I hold links. Similar to a computer, we have External Storage (paper, computers, smartphones).
So basically write things down; some examples:
- I have a blog idea? Write a brief summary somewhere and just remember that I have an idea and where I put it (putting in the same place helps a lot because then it goes into long-term)
- Some new system I build is fresh in my mind (Memory), but am I really going to remember it 6 months down the line? More importantly, do I need to waste this space holding it? No... write some simple but clear documentation and create some cheat sheets. Finally, I create a link and use the freed space for something else
- I can't remember the 100 different usernames and passwords! Then just use single sign on like Facebook, Google, a password manager, etc
By doing this, I can shrink Memory by offloading the actual data and just holding links which I can easily remember and cheaply store. Hey, found some free space!
Now just a short note on Internal Storage. As I said above, it is somewhat like a bottom-less pit, very fuzzy, and really just random access. Think about questions like this, when were a kid, when was the first time you... They usually take a while to answer and it's probably the CPU's Search Engine at work. Similarly you know when after interviews and tests, you go: "Arg.. I should've ..."
So now that you've freed up a whole bunch of space, grow your CPU to fill it up!
Especially the Search Engine and Subconscious. This is again why I feel thoughts are now flying around. These merge into ideas and solutions, allow me to rant for hours, and summon random facts that I use to... well my friend knows.
Now just a short note on Internal Storage. As I said above, it is somewhat like a bottom-less pit, very fuzzy, and really just random access. Think about questions like this, when were a kid, when was the first time you... They usually take a while to answer and it's probably the CPU's Search Engine at work. Similarly you know when after interviews and tests, you go: "Arg.. I should've ..."
So now that you've freed up a whole bunch of space, grow your CPU to fill it up!
Especially the Search Engine and Subconscious. This is again why I feel thoughts are now flying around. These merge into ideas and solutions, allow me to rant for hours, and summon random facts that I use to... well my friend knows.
Basically all I have to do is say "I am looking for something like..." and after a few seconds, days, or weeks... BOOM! AHA! result/solution found!
So here's some tips... I may edit more later I was just thinking about these... randomly.
To build grow your Random Recall Engine (and I think this is like the best part):
- Blog, give speeches: As you can see, I can ramble longer and longer nowadays. Why? Because when I fire this engine up, it just keeps going and going jumping from one idea to the next. I am pretty sure this is how good speakers like those on TED give their speeches: Put in a main idea and hit Start
- Argue with and persuade people: similar idea, you need persuasive reasons with a (Search( Engine you can find them quickly
OK so for personal things I tend to offload them on my phone, I have a few reminders and notepad and these are own the front page... along with common apps. Yes easy to find is another way to reduce the amount of energy spent on not so useful things. Less energy here, more for creativity and problem solving.
Alright... I am dry for now... maybe more to come...
OK so for personal things I tend to offload them on my phone, I have a few reminders and notepad and these are own the front page... along with common apps. Yes easy to find is another way to reduce the amount of energy spent on not so useful things. Less energy here, more for creativity and problem solving.
Whenever I suddenly think of something I just pull out my phone and write a note. These screenshots are the results of one of these.
You can also see the idea of heuristics and how they are data mined from you Storage and Memory is also something that popped into my mind... I think while making lunch.
Alright... I am dry for now... maybe more to come...
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